Saturday, August 18, 2007

First LSL experiments.

Ok, this one is not ready for general users, but nonetheless, why not share :)

Right now, with Tedd's excellent work, we have a compiler LSL->C#.

The way it works is kinda hacky. But helps to slowly wade through three hundred plus functions of LSL.

There is a script bin/ScriptEngines/Default.lsl - which is indeed an LSL script.

Right now only touch_event works, and this script automagically gets executed for every prim that is rezzed.

So, it is a natural (and the only :) place to put the stuff in. Right now the 'test script' looks like this:

integer touch_count = 0;

to_integer(float num)
llSay(0, num + " floor: " + llFloor(num));
llSay(0, num + " ceiling: " + llCeil(num));
llSay(0, num + " round: " + llRound(num));

default {
llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");

touch_start(integer total_number)
float angle45 = PI/4.0; // 45 degrees
float angle30 = PI/6.0; // 30 degrees
float sqrt2 = llSqrt(2.0);
float deltaCos = llCos(angle45) - sqrt2/2.0;
float deltaSin = llSin(angle30) - 0.5;
float deltaAtan = llAtan2(1, 1)*4 - PI;
float deltaTan = llTan(PI);
llSay(0, "deltaSin: " + deltaSin);
llShout(0, "deltaCos: " + deltaCos);
llWhisper(0, "deltaTan: " + deltaTan);
llWhisper(0, "deltaAtan: " + deltaAtan);
llSay(0, "Fabs(power(2^16)): " + llFabs(0-llPow(2, 16)));
llSay(0, "Abs(-1): " + llAbs(-1));
llSay(0, "One random(100): " + llFrand(100));
llSay(0, "Two random(100): " + llFrand(100));
llSay(0, "Three random(100): " + llFrand(100));
llSay(0, "Four random(100.0): " + llFrand(100.0));
llWhisper(0, "The unix time is: " + llGetUnixTime());
llSay(0, "Should be 112abd47ceaae1c05a826828650434a6: " + llMD5String("Hello, Avatar!", 0));
llSay(0, "Should be 9: " +llModPow(2, 16, 37));
llSay(0, "Region corner: " + (string)llGetRegionCorner());
llSetText("This is a text", <1,0,0>, 1);

llSay(0, "Object was touched. Touch count: " + touch_count);

some of the functions above are still thunks (like 'saying' - even though Tedd already has the code in his pocket, but it is not in SVN yet.

So... just 300-something left :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i dont get this nonsense?