Saturday, October 13, 2007

going mobile

It's been a hell of a week for the human - around 20 hours of sleep in not so many chunks around 3, i think. So, the end of the week the human was allowed to go and have a few beers. And out of curiosity. while the human is half-conscious, tryihg how it feels to post from his Nokia770. feels weird to learn the hand writing again... But it feels fun...


Anonymous said...

*still thinks those things should learn to recognize your hand writing, in stead of you having to write so the thingie can read it* =d

Dalien said...

Well,they do recognize it, whenever it is Possible at all. the difficulty with my handwriting is that a rare human can recognize iit - so I'm not making illusions about a poor little machine... :)

Anonymous said...

Considering how many of us are having unreadably handwritings and that we type faster than write.... they should develop some miniature keyboards which are comfortable instead of software which decyphers our writing mess.